Sunday, December 26, 2010

Trouble Game

Is everyone in your family glued to the TV, gaming devices or the PC? If so, picture this worst case scenario - you hardly talk to each other anymore. But you can cut this looming problem early on by devising ways that will involve the whole family. The simplest measure is to get a totally engaging activity like playing exciting family games. Try out the Trouble Game.

Get to Know the Game

This game was devised by the Kohner brothers, Frank and Paul hailing from the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy, Tachau (a Bohemian city). These brothers came from a line of toy makers. Despite the brothers having had the Kohner Toy Company also known as Kohner Bros., the game was initially manufactured by Irwin Toy Ltd.

Later on, it was produced under the Milton Bradley Company, a brand subsidiary of Hasbro. It was in 1965 that it got introduced in the United States. Other companies that published the game include Feva (UK) Ltd., Fundex, Nelospelit, Tactic and Tiimari.

Is There Difficulty Playing Trouble Game?

The main objective of the game is for the players to send four pieces all around the board. Moving each of these pieces is determined by rolling the die. But what makes this game quite challenging is that the other players have the capability to send back pieces to the start, which belong to another player. This happens at once a player lands on an 'occupied' slot.

The pieces can only be protected from this rule after these have reached the slots in the final leg. But then again, countering the attacks cannot be maneuvered to block the other player's moves since this heavily relies on the rolling of the die.

What's So Much Fun about the Trouble Game?

Perhaps the feature in this board game that enticed the millions of players of this game is the "Pop-o-Matic" dice container. It is installed right on the center of the game board. This looks like a dome that is made from clear plastic and placed over flexible sheet. It 'rolls' the dice at once the player will press it down. The flexible sheet underneath this device will then make the dice tumble around.

Are There Trouble Game Varieties?

There are two known versions of this great game, namely Double Trouble and the Travel Trouble. The former involves two game boards that can be attached with one another so as to employ larger play field. The other one is a portable version with a smaller board and fewer slots.

The excitement of racing against one another is a perk itself. Such feeling could be easily evoked right at once the Trouble Game is started. Once adrenalin is all pumped, all you need to do is call on Mother Luck and enjoy!

Crichton Boakes is a full time writer who reviews many different products which are released onto the market each year. Due to increasing demand he is now focusing on a variety of fun board games. Find out more about some of Crichton's recent reviews on trouble game and hungry hungry hippos. There are some great ideas for all the family that should not be overlooked.

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